

To make a modern website which represents company positioning (simplicity and comfort in usage).

To develop a relevant catalog of goods, that can be easily administered by both employees and external partners.

To support partners with information in convenient formats.


  • The website has been migrated from CMS Joomla to 1C-Bitrix.

  • For the fast performance of the catalog we’ve developed a special storage system of goods’ because original Bitrix (Business version) did not provide the required speed.

  • To simplify catalog filling for Scarlett employees we’ve developed simple and usable interface on front (not in administrative panel) to edit goods.

  • The website was integrated with 1C for unloading product range, the required functionality has been developed (filtration, sorting, morphological search with sphinx).

  • English version of the website has been developed.


  • Due to original system of good storage, the website works 5 times faster than older version - the page of good filtration opens in 0,3 seconds vs 1,5 seconds as it was before.

  • Modern bright design of the website echoes with clearance of goods on the shelves in new form style.

  • The website is actively supported and developed by internal resources of the company, due to a usable interface for employees.

Client review:

Scarlett is the largest brand of small household appliances in Russia and outside. As a part of the ongoing rebranding the company had the task of updating website. The website, combining functions of corporate and consumer websites became morally and technically obsolete, moreover, it stopped to match a renewed form style. In the end of 2017 a tender for new website development has been held. The task was to create a modern site as a catalog that represents company positioning (simplicity and comfort in usage) with a clear continuity of corporate identity.

Corporate functions should be saved, no e-commerce. As the result of the tender, we chose Redsoft company, which offer was thoughtfully worked, supplemented by their own original ideas, competitively priced. In addition, we have already had a positive experience of partnership (Redsoft has developed the old website)

We worked together from January to March, 2018. Internal structure and website logic were changed in accordance with positioning; form style was added to the unique website design; a website management system was picked up for comfortable work and support of the catalog up to date; required functionality was developed. Main sections were created, possibilities to create new sections were added because assortment is always changing. Mobile version of the website has been customized. After website development large-scale work on filling the Scarlett catalog (more than 1000 SKU) was carried out.

During the development process we were always receiving ideas about applied work improvement from Redsoft: for example, they suggested an idea to add interactive elements to the product card - it greatly enlivened and decorated the catalog.

Review author

The head of marketing communications department

Alyona Persiyaninova

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